User talk:Ghlagatin

From Fanon Wiki

Welcome to Fanon Wiki!

Welcome! Hello there, Ghlagatin, and welcome to Fanon Wiki, a wiki dedicated to hosting fan-made ideas about any franchise! Please be sure to read our code of conduct before editing. We also have a Discord server if you would like to join. If you need any help, please contact one of the administrators.

PinkYoshiFan PI.png PinkYoshiFan 16:38, 13 September 2023 (UTC)

Welcome to Fanon Wiki! Unfortunately, I have deleted your self-titled article as it violates our Scope policy. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. If you attempt to re-create this article, it will be seen as spam, and disciplinary action will be levied against your account. Best, Zoadra Zoadra icon.png Admin, Bureaucrat, Founder 03:13, 14 September 2023 (UTC)