User talk:Mooshroomdude250

From Fanon Wiki

Welcome to Fanon Wiki!

Welcome! Hello there, Mooshroomdude250, and welcome to Fanon Wiki, a wiki dedicated to hosting fan-made ideas about any franchise! Please be sure to read our code of conduct before editing. We also have a Discord server if you would like to join. If you need any help, please contact one of the administrators.

PinkYoshiFan PI.png PinkYoshiFan 19:02, 13 September 2022 (UTC)

Thanks for welcoming me. --Mooshroomdude250 (talk) 20:28, 13 September 2022 (UTC)

Yes, welcome aboard, Mooshroomdude250! Hope you enjoy your stay! Zoadra Zoadra icon.png Admin, Bureaucrat, Founder 22:07, 13 September 2022 (UTC)

Been a while since I've joined, so I think I'm going to make a page now. (Are TV shows allowed?) --Mooshroomdude250 (talk) 05:14, 3 October 2022 (UTC)

On tv shows/movies

Yes, they are allowed. Just be sure that it's put in the correct namespace. "TV:" or "Movie:". Zoadra Zoadra icon.png Admin, Bureaucrat, Founder 21:10, 6 November 2022 (UTC)

Thanks! Mooshroomdude250 (talk) 04:32, 7 November 2022 (UTC)